Day 11… Scriptures On Passing Love

Isha A Poet
2 min readDec 13, 2020

First know how it will end quickly and full of pain.

So prepare for the healing.

Prepare the burial-place prepare the sermon.

The bandages and ointment, call for the Imam the Rabbi and the Priest.

Prepare for the recovery that’ll take longer than expected.

Because his love is young and inexperienced, like a small child starting to lose their innocence.

He’ll play with your love like a toy he’s always wanted.

Play with it, show it off to his friends.

But the excitement will begin to fade and so will his emotions.

He’ll place you to the side like his old lovers, collectors items cherished actions figures.

Collecting dust in his trunk of broken souls.

Full to the brim

Left to the wayside, left to one side.

This is how he teaches the meek and the weak how to endure the fall

And recollect how the sky was purplish with crimson burnt on the edges of the horizon.

He’ll kneel to your feet kiss them tenderly. Place his blessings on the path you’re about to embark upon.

Remember he taught you how the soul feels to be washed in love and prayers, he cleansed you of the guilt of doing it wrong.

That your love may have been inadequate or your faults too great to tackle.

He doesn’t know how it feels to stand through the storm, he couldn’t endure the thunder and fire.

To feel the wind hit you so hard your soul is knocked into another’s, feel the rain drown your hopes & faith in what would’ve been.

Feel the tornado twist your spine so you no longer know what it feels like to stand straight.

He was sheltered from natures disaster, a woman’s scorn.

He will place promise seeds in your garden that will never grow.

Place poisoned kisses laced with lies and dishonesty on the lips of your soul, there is no cure for betrayal.

So read and repeat this manuscript until your being knows it inside and out

That this is the scripture on passing love.

Sincerely Yours

Isha A Poet xx



Isha A Poet

Poet/ Words Smith/ Soul Wanderer. Mental Health Advocate Sen Advocate. Poetry Medley Book ‘Its Okay To Not Be Okay’